Assembly YAML


Assembly YAML is an approach to define assemblies using a simple YAML file. This file format was introduced in PartCAD for the first time.


Each Assembly YAML (ASSY) file is a YAML file consisting of a tree of nodes. Each node is either a reference to an external part, a reference to an external assembly, or a container for such references.


The top-level mode of an ASSY file is a container node. The container nodes have the following syntax:

name: <(optional) name>
description: <(optional) description>
location: <(optional) OCCT Location object> # e.g. [[0,0,0], [0,0,1], 0]
  - <other node>
  - <other node>
  - <other node>
  - <other node>


The following syntax is used to create a node that places a part in the assembly:

part: <name of a part from this package or a global path "{/package}:{part}">
name: <(optional) name to use for this part in this assembly>
location: <(optional) OCCT Location object> # e.g. [[0,0,0], [0,0,1], 0]
connectPorts: # alternative to "location", used to connect by ports
  with: <(optional) name of the port in this part, if more than one exists>
  name: <the name of the target part in this assembly to connect to>
  to: <(optional) name of the port in the target part to connect to, if more than one exists>
connect: # alternative to "location" and "connectPorts", used to connect by interfaces
  with: <(optional) name of the interface in this part, if more than one exists>
  withInstance: <(optional) name of the instance of the interface in this part, if more than one exists>
  name: <the name of the target part in this assembly to connect to>
  to: <(optional) name of the interface in the target part to connect to, if more than one compatible one exists>
  toInstance: <(optional) name of the instance of the interface in the target part to connect to, if more than one exists>


The following syntax is used to create a node that places an assembly in the assembly:

assembly: <name of an assembly from this package or a global path "{/package}:{assembly}">
... # same as for parts